Mail transaction, e-mail with scanned attachments, our secure portal for uploading and downloading documents, and package delivery services are very convenient for us and for you. They require no calendar time for either of us. When we have completed a tax return and have sent it to you for signature and filing (usually using the same method you did), we make sure we are available to answer any questions you may have. We have numerous clients in other states and locations including FL, NC, SC, NJ, PA, CA, NV, DC, MD, HI, WI, GA, OH, Denmark and Croatia. Typically, these are clients who used to live here but moved away and still retain us for their tax work. If you are a new client and found us on this website, call or email us to get our Client Organizer. This will help you collect all forms and information needed. When complete, you can mail it to us along with all required documents.

Our fee is variable depending on the complexity of our clients’ personal situations but usually averages around $500.  Payment is due and payable upon your acceptance of our completed tax returns.  We accept check or credit card payment.

We guarantee our work; if we make an error, we pay the penalty and interest.